The Lowellian | Infrastructure: CSO’s
State Senator Ed Kennedy and State Senator Bruce Tarr appeared as guests on the popular local television show, THE LOWELLIAN. The LTC show was hosted by Carolyn McCarthy and produced by Wednesday Klevisha. The topic discussed on THE LOWELLIAN was the ongoing challenge of removing combined sewer overflows during periods of heavy rain from the…
2025 Winter Newsletter
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Lowell Police Department Receives Byrne State Crisis Intervention Program Grant
On January 31st, 2025, the State Office of Grants and Research announced over $2 million in grants have been awarded to local police departments, state agencies, and a partner research organization to prevent gun violence, including a $109,314 grant awarded to the Lowell Police Department. The Lowell Police Department is one of 13 police departments…
State Senator Ed Kennedy Reflects on a Year of Legislative Achievements in 2024
As 2024 draws to a close, State Senator Ed Kennedy reflects on a year of legislative progress and dedication to communities and constituents within the First Middlesex Senate District. This year, Senator Kennedy secured $1.175 million in earmarks included in the Fiscal Year 2025 budget. He was also responsible for $10.5 million of bond authorizations…
2024 Fall Newsletter
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Massachusetts Secretary of Veterans’ Services, Jon Santiago, visits Lowell VA Clinic
On Wednesday, October 9th, Massachusetts Secretary of Veterans’ Services, Jon Santiago, toured the Lowell VA Clinic and conducted a roundtable discussion with the Lowell delegation and city officials. Secretary Santiago’s visit heavily featured conversations about the recently enacted HERO Act, also known as An Act Honoring, Empowering, and Recognizing our Servicemembers and Veterans. The HERO…
Legislators, Environmental Experts from MA and NH Discuss Solutions to CSO Events Impacting the Merrimack River
(LOWELL — 10/04/2024) On Monday, September 30th, State Senator Ed Kennedy (D-Lowell) and Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr (R-Gloucester) reconvened for the second time recently to discuss Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs) in the Merrimack River. In attendance were legislators and officials from Massachusetts and New Hampshire, as well as representatives of the federal legislative delegations…
Key Provisions of An Act to Improve Quality and Oversight of Long-Term Care
The bill includes provisions related to basic health services administered in assisted living facilities and oversight of long-term care facilities, including the following: Inclusion for LGBTQ+ Residents: The legislation requires each long-term care facility to provide staff training on the rights and care of LGBTQ+ older adults and older adults living with HIV. It also forbids…
Lowell Delegation Announces Enactment of Special Election Home Rule Petition
City-crafted bill would allow for special elections in the case of midterm vacancies in the Lowell City Council and School Committee (BOSTON—7/24/2024) The four members of the Lowell State House delegation are pleased to announce that S2878, An Act relative to vacancies on the city of Lowell city council and school committee was enacted in…
Massachusetts Legislature Passes the FutureTech Act
Legislation authorizes $1.26B in bonds, allocates $400M in federal funds (BOSTON—7/26/2024) Today the Massachusetts Legislature enacted the FutureTech Act, taking action on a $1.26 billion bond authorization to modernize the Commonwealth’s digital infrastructure and create safer and more accessible experiences for residents and employees alike. Funding and projects included in H.4889, An Act to provide…