Lowell Area Legislators Testify on Resolutions Encouraging Free and Fair Elections in Cambodia.
(LOWELL – 1/16/2024) State Senator Ed Kennedy testified alongside State RepresentativeVanna Howard before the Joint Committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs in support of SenateBill 2326 and House Bill 3507. Both Bills are Resolutions condemning political oppression andencouraging free and fair elections in Cambodia. Senate Bill 2326 was filed by Senator Kennedywhile House Bill 3507…
State Senator Ed Kennedy Attends Lowell Celebrates Kerouac Committee Holiday Party
State Senator Ed Kennedy was happy to join the Lowell Celebrates Kerouac Committee at their Annual Holiday Party in the upstairs lounge at the Worthen House Cafe in Downtown Lowell on Tuesday, December 19. Lowell School Committeeman Dominik Lay was also in attendance. The Lowell Celebrates Kerouac Committee was originally formed in 1986. The Committee…
Senator Kennedy Delivers Coats for Veterans in Dracut
State Senator Ed Kennedy delivered winter jackets for veterans to Dracut Veterans Services Officer Jerome Thomas at the American Legion Hall on Broadway Road in Dracut on Wednesday, December 13. Dracut veterans in need of a warm winter coat can arrange to collect one by contacting Dracut Veterans Services Officer Jerome Thomas at 978-455-1349. In…
State Senator Ed Kennedy Meets With 350MA of Greater Lowell at Brew’d Awakening
State Senator Ed Kennedy met with several members of 350MA of Greater Lowell at Brew’d Awakening Coffee Shop in Downtown Lowell recently to discuss several climate bills currently under consideration on Beacon Hill. Pictured clockwise from the left – State Senator Ed Kennedy and 350MA of Greater Lowell members Stephen Malagodi, Chris Offerman, Sarah Lapp,…
Healey Administration unveils Massachusetts Farmland Action Plan
State Senator Ed Kennedy was happy to join Massachusetts Director of Rural Affairs and former senate colleague Ann Gobi, Co-Chair of the Joint Committee on Agriculture State Representative Paul Schmid, Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs Undersecretary Stephanie Cooper, Massachusetts Farm Bureau Federation President Warren Shaw and Executive Director Karen Schwalbe, Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources Commissioner…
Vinfen Opens Community Behavioral Health Center on Varnum Avenue in Lowell
State Senator Ed Kennedy was honored to be one of the speakers at the grand opening of Vinfen Behavorial Health’s new Community Behavioral Health Center (CBHC) located on Varnum Avenue in Lowell. More than one hundred guests attended the event, which included a reception and tours of the facility after the short speaking program. Additional speakers…
State Senator Ed Kennedy Participates in WCAP Salvation Army Radiothon
State Senator Ed Kennedy stopped by the WCAP 980AM studio on Saturday, December 2 to participate in the annual Salvation Army Radiothon & Auction. The money raised at the Radiothon and Auction benefits the programs and services of the Greater Lowell Salvation Army. The goal that they hoped to reach this year from pledges and…
State Senator Ed Kennedy Attends Greater Lowell Technical High School Athletic Complex Ribbon Cutting
State Senator Ed Kennedy was honored to attend the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new athletic complex at the Greater Lowell Technical High School on Wednesday, November 22, before the Thanksgiving Eve football game between Greater Lowell Technical High School and Lowell Catholic High School. The ribbon cutting ceremony celebrated the conclusion of a $2.5 million…
State Senator Ed Kennedy Delivers Winter Jackets for Tyngsborough Veterans
State Senator Ed Kennedy and Lowell School Committeeman Dominik Lay delivered winter jackets for veterans to Tyngsborough Veterans Agent Chris Dery at the Tyngsborough Town Hall on Monday, November 20. Tyngsborough veterans in need of a warm winter coat can arrange to collect one by contacting Tyngsborough Veterans Agent Chris Dery at (978) 649-2300 x132.…
State Senator Ed Kennedy Delivers Winter Jackets for Pepperell Veterans
State Senator Ed Kennedy and State Representative Margaret Scarsdale delivered winter jackets for veterans to Pepperell Veterans Services Officer Meagan Murphy at the VFW Auxiliary POST 3291 in Pepperell on Monday, November 20. Pepperell veterans in need of a warm winter coat can arrange to collect one by contacting Pepperell Veterans Services Officer Meagan Murphy at…