Supporting Seniors

Senator Kennedy at a celebration for 90+ year-olds in Pepperell.

Senator Kennedy believes the state legislature must pass policies that reflect our collective appreciation for all that seniors have contributed to our communities. This means protecting benefits older adults have worked their whole lives to earn, supporting the right of seniors to retire with dignity and remain in their communities long into retirement, ensuring access to high quality community resources, and preventing excessive increases to prescription drug costs.

Recently, the Massachusetts’s legislature passed an Act to improve quality and oversight of long-term care. This legislation is a step forward in improving the quality, efficiency, and equitability of long-term care; a goal that Senator Kennedy has advocated for as a member of the Joint Committee on Elder Affairs. It will make significant improvements in nursing home oversight, anti-discrimination protection for LGBTQ residents, and allow Assisted Living Residences to offer basic health services.

Senator Kennedy has introduced legislation which would make it easier for seniors to remain in their homes, including a bill that would rein in interest-rate increases for seniors participating in a local property tax deferral program, and a bill that seeks to evaluate the feasibility of a program allowing eligible seniors to defer their state property taxes, an important step towards ensuring economic stability.