Our office offers comprehensive services to constituents and businesses encountering challenges related to state government and agencies. Our office can file inquiries into delayed administrative processes, offer guidance in navigating red tape, and work with legislative liaisons at state agencies to ensure that matters are resolved in a timely manner.
Please note that our office is not able to provide assistance related to federal agencies, but is able to refer you to the offices of your federal representatives. Our office is also unable to intervene in legal proceedings or matters before the courts.
Our office offers letters in support of First Middlesex District organizations applying for grants from state agencies. To request a letter of support, email our office at Edward.Kennedy@masenate.gov. Please be sure to include any supporting documents and information relevant to your application.

Senator Kennedy offers citations from the State Senate to recognize special achievements and celebrations. If you, your organization, a family member, or a friend are celebrating a special occasion, please contact our office to request a citation from Senator Kennedy. Please contact our office at least 5 business days from the time that your citation is needed to ensure that we can prepare it in time.
Senator Kennedy accepts undergraduate and graduate students as interns each semester and during the summer to assist our staff in executing key functions. Our intern program is designed to ensure interns have a meaningful experience enhancing their education and providing insight into the operation of a legislative office and the workings of the Massachusetts State Senate.
Responsibilities of interns in our office include, but are not limited to: compiling briefs for the senator and staff, assisting staff with legislative priorities, acting as a liaison for constituent outreach, attending Senate sessions and events, and completing research projects relevant to the First Middlesex District.
To learn more about our internship program and the application process, contact Patti Kirwin-Keilty at patricia.kirwinkeilty@masenate.gov.

The Massachusetts State House is both the seat of the Commonwealth’s government and a living museum that offers a fascinating glimpse into Massachusetts history. Our office is pleased to help make your visit to the State House memorable. If you or your organization plan to visit the State House, contact our office for assistance in coordinating tours or if you would like to visit our office.