As 2024 draws to a close, State Senator Ed Kennedy reflects on a year of legislative progress and dedication to communities and constituents within the First Middlesex Senate District. This year, Senator Kennedy secured $1.175 million in earmarks included in the Fiscal Year 2025 budget. He was also responsible for $10.5 million of bond authorizations included in the Mass Leads Act, a bond bill focusing on economic development. Additionally, as of December 17th, he wrote and filed six pieces of legislation that were signed into law and filed two home rule petitions that were passed by the legislature.
Senator Kennedy’s Fiscal Achievements
Funds appropriated through the Fiscal Year 2025 budget will directly benefit important infrastructure projects in the towns of Dracut, Dunstable, Pepperell, and Tyngsborough, and will also be distributed to community groups and organizations through the Greater Lowell Community Foundation. Funds authorized in the economic development bond legislation will similarly serve municipal infrastructure projects and community-based organizations upon appropriation.
“I am proud to have secured over $1.175 million in funding and $10.5 million in authorizations this year,” said Senator Kennedy. “This money will directly benefit the First Middlesex Senate District, going towards essential local infrastructure projects and expanding the services of community organizations.”
Senator Kennedy’s 2024 fiscal achievements are as follows:
Included in Fiscal Year 2025 Budget:
- $800,000 for the Massachusetts Alliance of Boys & Girls Clubs to service Boys & Girls Clubs across the Commonwealth
- $500,000 for the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Mattress Recycling Social Enterprise Grants
- $275,000 for the Greater Lowell Community Foundation to allocate as follows:
- $75,000 to support municipal operations in the Town of Dracut
- $25,000 for Catie’s Closet
- $25,000 for the Merrimack Valley Food Bank
- $20,000 for the Lowell Celebrates Kerouac organization
- $20,000 for Mosaic Lowell
- $20,000 for the Town of Pepperell’s 250th anniversary celebration
- $20,000 for the Lowell Kinetic Sculpture Race
- $20,000 for the Lowell Folk Festival to support performer’s transportation
- $15,000 for the Lowell African Festival
- $15,000 for the Lowell Town and City Festival
- $10,000 for Girls Inc.’s Eureka Program
- $10,000 for the Dwelling House of Hope Multicultural Festival
- $175,000 for FORGE to operate a statewide program promoting manufacturing and innovation
- $100,000 for the Lowell Parks and Conservation Trust to support Pawtucket Farm’s nature reserve development
- $75,000 for municipal improvements in the Town of Dunstable
- $75,000 for municipal improvements in the Town of Pepperell
- $75,000 for municipal improvements in the Town of Tyngsborough
Included in the Mass Leads Act Bond Legislation:
- $5 million for the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Lowell to conduct facility improvements
- $2.5 million for the Lowell Community Health Center to establish and support a Family Medicine Residency program
- $1.3 million for a water main replacement project in the Town of Dunstable
- $600,000 for restorations to the Lawrence Library in the Town of Pepperell
- $600,000 to build a new Department of Public Works headquarters in the Town of Tyngsborough
- $500,000 for FORGE to operate a statewide program promoting manufacturing and innovation
Senator Kennedy’s Legislative Achievements
The end of 2024 is also a point of reflection for Senator Kennedy’s legislative achievements throughout the year and the session at-large. Five pieces of legislation written and filed by Senator Kennedy were signed into law as of December 17th, 2024. Additionally, two Home Rule petitions filed by Senator Kennedy were passed.
Legislation Signed into Law:
- An Act relative to real property in Lowell was made into law
- An Act defining agritourism was included in Mass Leads: An Act Relative to Strengthening Massachusetts’ Economic Leadership
- An Act relative to increased material costs in school construction projects was included in the Fiscal Year 2024 budget
- An Act relative to the discharge of firearm, large capacity weapon, rifle, shotgun, sawed-off shotgun or machine gun without regard for the risk of harm was included in An Act Modernizing Firearms Laws
- An Act prohibiting gunfire directed at dwelling houses was included in An Act Modernizing Firearms Laws
Home Rule Petitions Passed:
- An Act relative to vacancies on the city of Lowell city council and school committee
- An Act changing the board of selectmen in the Town of Dunstable to the select board
“I am proud of the work I have accomplished this year in terms of securing essential funds for the First Middlesex Senate District, getting important legislation signed into law, and assisting my constituents. I am committed to building upon these accomplishments in 2025 and the 194th legislative session by continuing to build upon the Massachusetts State Senate’s response to issues addressed in the 193rd session and resolving new ones,” said Senator Kennedy.