Governor Maura Healey Visits Catie’s Closet at Lowell Highschool

State Senator Ed Kennedy was happy to be invited to join Governor Maura Healey and Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll on their visit to Catie’s Closet at Lowell High School on Wednesday, January 4. Other elected officials who attended the event included State Auditor Diana DiZoglio, State Representative Vanna Howard, Lowell City Councilor John Drinkwater, Lowell City Councilor John Leahy, Lowell School Committee Member Dominik Lay and Lowell School Committee Member Connie Martin.

Visiting Catie’s Closet at Lowell High School on Wednesday, January 4 from left to right – Catie’s Closet CEO Mickey Cockrell, Governor Maura Healey, Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll, Catie’s Closet Founder Anne-Marie Sousa, Program Director Kim Fontaine, State Auditor Diana DiZoglio, Elizabeth Chhoeum and State Senator Ed Kennedy.
Lowell School Committeeman Dominik Lay, Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll and State Senator Ed Kennedy at Lowell High School on Wednesday, January 4.
State Senator Ed Kennedy helps to fill the bags with personal hygiene items for Catie’s Closet at Lowell High School on Wednesday, January 4.
Dozens of volunteers helped to fill the bags with personal hygiene items for Catie’s Closet at Lowell High School on Wednesday, January 4.
Massachusetts State Auditor Diana DiZoglio and State Senator Ed Kennedy helped to fill the bags with personal hygiene items for Catie’s Closet at Lowell High School on Wednesday, January 4.