Remote Learning Resources

As school districts across the Commonwealth make difficult decisions regarding what school and learning will look like this fall, the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has released a guidance document for school districts regarding remote learning, as well as a resource guide for districts to purchase courses through the state’s two Commonwealth Virtual Schools.

These resources will be important tools not only for districts to consider as we head into the fall, but if in-person learning plans need to be changed or canceled due to a spike in COVID-19 cases as the school year continues.

DESE is currently working with the Baker-Polito Administration to make additional resources available to expand access to online advanced coursework, including Advanced Placement, early college or dual enrollment courses. They are also working to make funding available to support districts in providing the remote learning opportunities that may be required for students who cannot physically attend school.

As of August 4, the information that has been provided to districts, is below: